Mobilizing God's People For God's Mission

Ministry Impact

Since 2010, MCN has mobilized over 10,000 Christians in Kenya through its courses, with the majority participating in the 5-day Kairos Course. Notably, MCN has produced 884 graduates from its missional discipleship programs. Out of these:

  • 22+ married couples and 30+ singles have become full-time missionaries and cross-cultural workers, serving among 12+ Least-Reached People Groups (LRPGs) in 5 countries.
  • 37+ full-time mobilizers are actively working in 3 countries.
  • Numerous others have entered full-time ministry, partnering with various Christian organizations and local churches.

From 2012 to the present, MCN mobilizers have been instrumental in introducing the Kairos Course and training facilitators and head facilitators, while establishing National Coordination Teams in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This has enabled:

  • The participation of students from these countries in MCN’s missional discipleship programs.
  • The replication of MCN’s programs in some of these countries.
  • The formation of indigenous mobilization agencies in Rwanda and Burundi.

MCN continues to inspire, equip, and deploy mission-minded leaders, making a significant impact on the mobilization landscape in East and Central Africa.

  • 01- Mission Mobilization

  • 02- Missional Discipleship Programs

  • 03- Cross-Cultural Training


Christians Mobilized


Graduates Trained


Countries Impacted


Missionary Couples Deployed

Our Courses

No Courses Created Yet

N.B:- Please be informed, we are yet to create any courses at the moment

Innovative Mobilization & Life-Changing Impact

At MCN, we don't just inspire—we equip and launch. Our dynamic mobilization model takes individuals on a transformative journey from discovery to deployment, guiding them every step of the way toward impactful mission work. Whether you're a church member, college student, or professional, our programs are designed to unlock your potential and ignite your passion for global missions.

Our Programs


Voice of Truth is a Seven weeks Intensive Mission Discipleship Training program for University/college Students and young Church leaders

Studenst first go through 4 weeks of residential training comprising of three tracks; Personal Discipleship, Kingdom perspectives and World Missions. The students then get to go for a mission exposure among the Least Reached peoples in Kenya for 3 weeks


Angaza is a one year intensive and life transforming residential Mission School for college graduates.

The objective of ANGAZA is to nurture and develop the gifts and talents of the participants into ministry skills through Discipleship-Missions Training, Mentorship, Practical Ministry Experience and Cross-Cultural field experience, while helping them identify their specific role in God’s global mission enterprise

Through ANGAZA we aim to raise a dynamic movement of young people that are prepared in Ministry Skills, Biblical Knowledge and Character Development to serve God in Missions using their careers, talents and gifts in response to the Lord’s mandate.


The MCN Ministry Internship Program is an opportunity for Angaza graduates to experience practical ministry and develop further their passion for God and His mission, develop spiritual gifts into ministry skills and experience Christian ministry for one year with a view for long term participation in God’s term mission

Mobi Internship For those that sense a call towards the ministry of mobilization
Go Internship For those that sense a call to become frontier missionaries


No programs Created Yet

N.B:- Please be informed, we currently do not have any programs created

John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life

Partnerships and Collaboration

MCN and GEN12 collaborate with both Mainline and Pentecostal/Charismatic churches, alongside national and international Christian organizations and mission agencies. This relational partnership extends across various networks to maximize their mission outreach efforts.

Our Upcoming Events

N.B:- From the list provided below:

  • Country:- Select a country to view all events happening within that country

# Country Event Start Datetime End Datetime
1 Rwanda Encounter:IJWI-RY'UKURI (14:00:00 - Hrs) Saturday 11th January 2025 (17:00:00 - Hrs) Saturday 11th January 2025
Events Sign Up Form

Our Testimonials

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, suggestions, or would like to get involved in our mission campaigns, feel free to reach out. Our team is dedicated to supporting and connecting with our community. Please fill out the contact form below or email us directly, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest and support in our mission!.

V2R7+PGF, Juja

P.O. Box: 103937 - 00101, Jamia, Nrb

Phone: (+254) 796233771

Email: [email protected]

Enquiries Form